Tampa Military Divorce Lawyers
Any attorney that is going to handle military divorce and family law cases must understand all of the unique issues that frequently arise in these cases. They also have to understand relocation, military pay, military benefits, military retirement, and military life. They have to understand the sacrifices made not only by the military servicemember, but also by their spouses and families. An attorney lacking in this perspective will not be ready for a military divorce trial. A competent military divorce lawyer should also be familiar with federal law. And, at the end of the day, your military divorce lawyer has to understand Florida family law and winning in the courtroom.
Our attorneys understand the dynamics of the military family. We also have the experience and intellectual ability to deal with the nuts and bolts of a military divorce, including issues such as jurisdiction, relocation, custody, calculation of income, application of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, application of theUniformed Services Former Spouse's Protection Act, and the application of the Supremacy Clause found in Article Six, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution to military divorce cases.
In addition to our competence in the law, our attorneys are also seasoned trial lawyers. They stand ready to fight for you on a moment's notice. We seek to settle every case amicably, but we are ready to go to court whenever necessary to protect our client's interests. We are also not afraid of taking cases with crazy facts or high-stakes issues. We have successfully represented high-ranking officers and other servicemembers in divorces, post-judgment modifications, domestic violence cases, paternity actions, and other family law matters.
“Lawyers attend seminars on how to attract better clients to their practice. We believe that it’s an honor and a privilege to represent our nation’s servicemembers and their spouses.”
What We've Achieved
- Represented numerous parties in military relocation cases.
- Represented military servicemembers seeking to have family members exercise their parenting time.
- Successfully represented servicemember spouses where the servicemember refused to pay any support.
- Successfully represented servicemember who left active duty to spend more time with his child.
- Successfully represented military servicemembers in protecting their entire military retirement.
- Successfully represented military servicemembers in obtaining unequal distribution of their retirement pay.
- Successfully represented servicemember spouses where the husband swore she would never see a dime of his retirement pay.
- Successfully represented numerous military retirees seeking downward modification of alimony and child support.
Please continue reading to learn more about us. If you or someone you care about is facing a military divorce or family law case, we can help. Please do not hesitate to call us today at (813) 251-6222 or contact us online.